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To venture beyond the easily accessible, to inquire beyond the already known, to unravel the hidden principles & beauties usually remote to an ordinary man characterizes the spirit of adventure. Its a way of life in its essential values without formalities, reproposing a direct rapport between man and nature. The rewards of an adventurer are aplenty. Scenic beauty, atmospheric conditions both wild and serene, physical & mental tasks bringing forth all his reserves, all combine to create a feeling of exuberance. The intensity of life he experiences on an adventure draws him back again & again and so adventure to him becomes a way of life.


Amongst the various skills to be acquired for Adventure, a Rock-Climbing technique is one.  Once learnt it can be pursued as a sport by itself or as a part of larger activity like trekking and mountaineering.

In enriching & molding the personality of a person through any activity, one encounters few other parallels as comprehensive as adventure of this type.


Great Outdoors (Sunil Joshi)Thane

Avi Industries (Ravi Kamath)